"If you can't get rid of the family skeleton, you may as well make it dance"
-George Bernard Shaw

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Presentation Completed

I woke up today with butterflies in my stomach, knowing it was my big day to give my presentation at the GTAGS meeting. I was so nervous while she was introducing me, but once I got up front and started talking it was O.k. The whole presentation was about 45 minutes with about 10 minutes of questions and discussions at the end.
Many people told me that they thought the information that I presented was useful and that I did a good job. I presented on internet genealogical research. I tried to keep a very basic information because there is such a range of experience within the group. Everyone can benefit from returning to the basics now and then.
A special thanks to Internet Genealogy magazine for sending me 30 copies of the current issue to hand out at my presentation. What a great addition to hand out to the attendees. There were only a couple copies left at the end.
I was asked in a roundabout way about speaking again next year. We shall see.
Happy Ancestor Hunting.