"If you can't get rid of the family skeleton, you may as well make it dance"
-George Bernard Shaw

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Making the Family Skeletons Dance

A quote I recently found by George Bernard Shaw..."If you can't get rid of the family skeleton, you may as well make it dance".....is the inspiration for today's entry.  In honor of Halloween, of course, I was thinking about how my own family "skeletons" can come out and dance. Anyone who has been following me for a while knows that I have my own share of family skeletons...from my family ties to the infamous Loomis Gang of Sanger County to this year's startling discovery of the horrific murder/suicide committed by my 3rd great grandfather.

This started me to think, how can I make the family skeletons dance?  So I thought of 4 ways that we can all share our family 'skeletons'. 

1. Write a blog.  Having a blog allows me to share my thoughts and ideas.  It also helps me to brainstorm and connect with other genealogists and learn and come up with new ideas.  It's also a good place for me to share my stories, especially seems we genealogists love to talk!

2. Make a family history album.  There are so many options to make family history albums.  From traditional paper and glue scrapbooks, to digital scrapbooks, to online services such as Ancestry who offer the ability to make and have a family history book made.  Personally I use my Creative Memories Story Book Creator digital scrap booking software.  I have three or four albums I have been working on for a couple years now.

3. Publish a website.  My favorite website it Tribal Pages.  I have my own Tribal Pages website.  I am able to upload my GedCom file and family photos to share.  Another benefit of having a website is that it is an online, off site place for me to keep my information and research safely stored away. 

4. Write an article for the Genealogy or historical society.  I have written a family history on my Lardie family for the GTAGs newsletter.  I was able to connect with a couple members who are also tied into the family.  I also inspired other members to write about their families.  You might not see results right away, but good things can come of it.  Plus this is another way to safeguard all your research. 

So, how do you make your family skeletons dance?


  1. Alanna,
    I've given you the Ancestor Approved Award.
    You can pick it up at http://westinnewengland.blogspot.com/2010/12/ancestor-approved-award.html
