"If you can't get rid of the family skeleton, you may as well make it dance"
-George Bernard Shaw

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Library of Michigan- An Email

Here are copies of an emails that I have recently recieved on the Library of Michigan and how we can all help.

The future status of the Library of Michigan, the Archives and the Museum isbeing threatened by an Executive Order of the Governor. You can read thefull text of this order at:http://michigan.gov/documents/gov/EO36_285881_7.pdf.
This is not a done deal yet. Executive orders can be rejected by theLegislature. This order, if the Library is to be saved, must be rejected byOct. 1, 2009. The Michigan Genealogical Council (MGC) of which MMGS is amember is leading a campaign to have this order rejected. You can read moreabout these efforts at:http://mimgc.org/
Our society was very active in efforts that made the present home for theLibrary, Archives and Museum possible. We have supported the collectionsand work of the Library for many years. It is time for us to come togetherand help rescue these treasures from destruction by this Executive Order.
One of the ways you can aid the cause is to write, call or visit your StateRepresentative and State Senator. For non-Michigan residents, write SenatorJason Allen. The MGC webpage gives directions for determining yourlegislative people: http://mimgc.org/
Another event planned by MGC is a day of support called "Hands around theLibrary." August 5, 2009 is the chosen day for genealogists, historians andinterested persons to assemble and show the Michigan Legislatures that theservices and the facilities of the Library, Archives and Museum should notbe dispersed in the manner described by the Executive Order. The detailsare not firmly in place for this event. The plan so far is to gather at theState Capitol at 9:45 am and be present for the opening of the Legislativesessions. The group will then march across the mall to the Library buildingand join other interested persons. At 11 am, all present at the Librarywill form a large circle around the building and clasp hands of support. Theevent will be concluded by noon. It is hoped that this event will be wellpublicized and reported upon by our media system.
As you can imagine, this event needs to be well organized and coordinated.Joanne Harvey has been working on getting the necessary permits from theLansing Police Dept. She has asked for member help in continuing theseplans. She needs a right hand man or personal assistant to help with therecruiting of people, planning signs, gathering flags and buntings, makingnumerous phone calls and generally helping her with the many details that gointo such events. Please, if you can help, give Joanne a call at517-321-0945 or drop an e-mail to her at harveyfti@webtv.net
Along with the people, the circle needs definition. If you have a machinethat chalks grass, that would be a welcome service. If you have other ideasand services for the event let Joanne know. If you know how to getpublicity, now is the time to come forward with your ideas and contacts. Wemust all join together and save our Library.
More details on the Aug. 5 events of support will be sent to you as theybecome available.
Judy Levy Pfaff

Here is how to fax, call, mail Governor Granholm


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