"If you can't get rid of the family skeleton, you may as well make it dance"
-George Bernard Shaw

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Family Reunion Weekend Day 1

Well we survived day 1 of our camping trip. The drive here was uneventful and we have a cute little Mini Cabin the overlooks Lake Cadillac in Mitchell State Park. Last night my mom and I had to make a Wal-Mart run for supplies that we forgot or came up needing. My daughter broke her sandel, but all is well. Hotdogs for dinner and a few misc activites....no research yet.
I did get information on the local genealogy collection holding and it looks like Monday I will be spending some time over there. That is the hard thing with genealogy having limited hours on the collections.
I will have to make a trip back here sometime this summer to spend a day at the Family History Center to do research there as well. Fortunately Cadillac is only about an hour drive from where I live.
It looks as now the weather is going to take a change on us and we are going to see some rain soon. Thankfully we are not in a tent!

Happy Hunting!

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