"If you can't get rid of the family skeleton, you may as well make it dance"
-George Bernard Shaw

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Ancestor Approved Award

http://wkygenealogy.blogspot.com/This morning I received a message from Bill West that he has awarded me and my blog the Ancestor Approved Award!

Thank you Bill!  I am both honored and humbled! And of course, I had to do the 'Genealogy Happy Dance!'....now where is my 4-year-old...?

As a recipient of the award I am to list 10 things that have humbled, surprised and enlightened that I have learned about my ancestors in my research and to pass the award on to 10 other genealogy blogger that I feel are doing their ancestors proud!

So here's my list of 10 things and my list of 10 fellow bloggers.

1. I was surprised (and shocked) with the discovery of the murder/suicide committed by my 3rd great grandpa against his wife, my 3rd great grandma. For those that did not see my entry on this, check it out here

2. I have been enlightened over and over again by the history that my ancestors have lived through. 

3. I am humbled by the notion that if even one link in my ancestry was broken, I would not be here!

4. I am always enlightened by the history that I learn through my research.  I have learned history, improved math skills, writing skills and research skills.  My daughter has always been my research buddy and now my son.  My daughter will ask for a blank form and sit next to me with her pens and pencils and fill in her forms!  I hope that she will enjoy genealogy as well because of the many educational benefits she can receive from it. 

5. I am humbled by the changes in technology that we enjoy and perhaps even take for granted, that my ancestors would never have dreamed of.  As well as the changes my own grandparents have seen in technology from the invention and progression of automobiles and telephones to computers and cell phones. Can we even fathom what technology our grandchildren will enjoy?

6.  I am surprised by how many people I meet are interested in Genealogy, but many of them tell me, "Oh I don't have time to do it like you do!"  What?  Who has time?  I just graduated nursing school, I work full-time night shift, and I have 2 children and a husband.  Genealogy is a family activity in our house though and many times I sit with my laptop and work on my research while we watch our evening TV. 

7. At times I am surprised how much time has passed when I am researching...sometimes and entire night will slip by while I am deep in the hunt!  (How many of us have done this?)

8. I am humbled by the miles that some of my ancestors have traveled from their homelands and across the United States....the phrase "are we there yet?" takes on a whole new meaning!

9.  I am surprised at all the wonderful people I have met, my "genealogy" cousins and how certain family stories have survived generations of family and multiple family lines. 

10. I am humbled by the receipt of this award for just doing something that I love so much!

1. Elyse Doerflinger Elyse's Genealogy Blog
2. Gena Philibert Ortega Gena's Genealogy
3. Brenda Moore Grand Traverse Area Genealogical Society
4. Brenda Joyce Western Kentucky Genelogy Blog
5. Amy Coffin, MLIS We Tree Genealogy Blog

Ok, so I know I only have 5 blogs listed so far...I'm working on 5 more.