Shining star: Did you have a female ancestor who had a special talent? Artist, singer, actress, athlete, seamstress, or other? Describe.
Many member of my family play musical instruments. I personally play the clarinet. One of my Aunts also plays the clarinet, in fact she loaned me her clarinet to use while I was in school band class under the agreement that I would play at the family Christmas the following year. Well I only played for the family once. I think playing for my family was more nerve wracking than any concert I ever played in. I did play at a headstone dedication last summer for GTAGS if you all remember from my post about the Gottlieb Piltz. I also played the bass clarinet, which looks like a cross between a clarinet and a saxaphone.
My mom played the violin and the viola in high school, I suspect she still has the ability, but maybe a little bit out of practice. My paternal grandmother played the saxaphone as a teenager.
My daughter already shows interest in music. She has one of those roll up pianos that she loves to play with and she has a recorder flute.
My daughter already shows interest in music. She has one of those roll up pianos that she loves to play with and she has a recorder flute.
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