"If you can't get rid of the family skeleton, you may as well make it dance"
-George Bernard Shaw

Friday, July 31, 2009

Family Reunion Time!

Family reunions are a time to gather and see family that, perhaps, you only see once a year at the reunion, share stories, eat tons of good food, and catch up on everyone's lives. For me getting ready for a family reunion means packing up my research to share with my family. This year it also means that I may be able to do some research seems we are leaving today and we will be spending the next 5 days camping at the state park and being in the city that my GGGrandfather and Grandmother lived. I'm hoping to get some much needed research done.

I have made some progress on my Fitzgerald research, but I'm still stuck on my brick wall of my GGGGrandparents, John and Emily (Tennyson) Fitzgerald. I have some leads to run down, but the lack of volunteer help in the area that I need is nill. I'm close to hiring a professional. :( There goes my genealogy allowance for the next 5 years....

Anyway, back to the reunion...So we're just passing a couple of hours, everything is packed, our daughter is at preschool for a few hours and the final clean up and packing on the car is all that is left. Stay tuned for adventures in family reuion/vacation/camping weekend.

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